
Eddie Hart



1. 选择在地面浇水,避免给叶面浇水,因为这会助长病害的发展。

2. 如果阳台多风或朝南,可使用自浇水容器。 这样可以减少浇水次数。

3. 在盆栽植物的土壤中加入保水颗粒。 它们吸收水分并缓慢释放,从而减缓浇水频率。

4. 采用地膜覆盖。 它有助于保持水分。 在阳台或露台的小花园中,这是一项快速而简单的工作。 将地膜覆盖在土壤表面。

See_also: 24个最佳粉色海棠品种

您可以使用树皮、树叶和木屑。 如果您想增加装饰元素,可以使用碎石和鹅卵石。

See_also: 24个DIY绳索植物吊架创意

5. 不要无谓地浇水。 检查表层下土壤的含水量,用手指戳两英寸深,看土壤是湿润还是干燥,当发现土壤干燥或半干时才浇水。


6. 最好在早晨第一缕阳光照射之前浇水,这是最佳浇水时间。

7. 移栽后或幼苗期,要经常浇水,但量要少,因为幼苗更容易干枯。

8. 当植物生长成熟后,增加浇水间隔,例如,如果每天浇水,则每隔一天浇水一次。



Eddie Hart
Eddie Hart
Jeremy Cruz is a passionate horticulturist and a dedicated advocate for sustainable living. With an innate love for plants and a deep understanding of their diverse needs, Jeremy has become an expert in the field of container gardening, indoor greening, and vertical gardening. Through his popular blog, he endeavors to share his knowledge and inspire others to embrace the beauty of nature within the confines of their urban spaces.Born and raised amidst the concrete jungle, Jeremy's passion for gardening bloomed at a young age as he sought solace and tranquility in cultivating a mini oasis on his apartment balcony. His determination to bring greenery into urban landscapes, even where space is limited, became the driving force behind his blog.Jeremy's expertise in container gardening allows him to explore innovative techniques, such as vertical gardening, enabling individuals to maximize their gardening potential in limited spaces. He believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the joy and benefits of gardening, regardless of their living arrangements.In addition to his writing, Jeremy is also a sought-after consultant, providing personalized guidance to individuals and businesses looking to integrate greenery into their homes, offices, or public spaces. His emphasis on sustainability and eco-conscious choices makes him a valued resource in the greeningcommunity.When he's not busy tending to his own lush indoor garden, Jeremy can be found exploring local nurseries, attending horticulture conferences, or sharing his expertise through workshops and seminars. Through his blog, Jeremy aims to inspire and empower others to transcend the constraints of urban living and create vibrant, green spaces that promote well-being, serenity, and a deep connection to nature.